Project Purpose:
This Project aimed to reverse the trend of fisheries resource depletion in order to attain sustainable development of the fisheries sector in the long term. Towards this end, the Project: (i) established and implemented comprehensive fisheries management systems to control overfishing and illegal fishing, rationalized the utilization of fisheries resources, and rehabilitated damaged fish habitats; (ii) pilot-tested multiple approaches to promote non-fishing livelihood projects to facilitate the gradual exit from fishing of the municipal fisherfolk; and (iii) strengthened the institutional capabilities of public sector agencies involved in fisheries management, particularly Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), the local government units (LGUs), and coordinating entities such as the Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Councils (FARMCs) and Bay Management Councils (BMCs).
OAFIC was exercising oversight responsibility for the provision of technical services to Project Management Office (PMO) in the design and development of the Philippine Fisheries Information System (PhilFIS), specifically the fisheries licensing and registration system for municipal and commercial fishers.