Project description :
Project Purpose:
The study had two (2) objectives:
1. To assess major fisheries stocks within the EEZ
2. To compile an effective fisheries resources management plan

Result of assessment

Target species

State of stock
Action needed

Epinephelus aeneus

Heavily exploited
Allowable catch less than 500 tons/year
Sparus caeruleostictus
Moderately exploited
No need for action
Galeoides decadactylus
Heavily exploited
Allowable catch less than 1,000~2,000 tons
Pseudotoligh senegalensis
Most heavily exploited
Total ban of catch
Arius heuderotti
Heavily exploited
Allowable catch less than 1,000 tons
Cynoglossus senegalensis
Heavilty exploited
Allowable catch less than 2,500 tons
Pomadasys jubelini
Moderately exploited
No need for action

The study proposed following important points to consider for resource management plan.
• Fishermen play the central role in compiling resource management plan
• Government and donors must not determine the contents of projects
• Compile budget that can be used according to the discretion of fishermen
• Encourage fishermen to have autonomy
• Organization is a means, not the end
• Securing of democratic operation and transparency of resource management committees
• Start from income generating activities
• Distribution improvement is effective for resource management
• Conduct scientific surveys with fishermen

The study carried out two (2) pilot projects to extract above-mentioned points for resource management plan.
1. Co-management of coastal resources in association with income generating activities
2. Deployment of small-scale artificial reef in participation of fishermen
