Project Purpose:
The study had two (2) objectives:
1. To assess major fisheries stocks within the EEZ
2. To compile an effective fisheries resources management plan
Result of assessment
Target species | State of stock | Action needed |
Epinephelus aeneus | Heavily exploited | Allowable catch less than 500 tons/year |
Sparus caeruleostictus | Moderately exploited | No need for action |
Galeoides decadactylus | Heavily exploited | Allowable catch less than 1,000~2,000 tons |
Pseudotoligh senegalensis | Most heavily exploited | Total ban of catch |
Arius heuderotti | Heavily exploited | Allowable catch less than 1,000 tons |
Cynoglossus senegalensis | Heavilty exploited | Allowable catch less than 2,500 tons |
Pomadasys jubelini | Moderately exploited | No need for action |
The study proposed following important points to consider for resource management plan.
• Fishermen play the central role in compiling resource management plan
• Government and donors must not determine the contents of projects
• Compile budget that can be used according to the discretion of fishermen
• Encourage fishermen to have autonomy
• Organization is a means, not the end
• Securing of democratic operation and transparency of resource management committees
• Start from income generating activities
• Distribution improvement is effective for resource management
• Conduct scientific surveys with fishermen
The study carried out two (2) pilot projects to extract above-mentioned points for resource management plan.
1. Co-management of coastal resources in association with income generating activities
2. Deployment of small-scale artificial reef in participation of fishermen